twenty things

1. it’s almost been a month since I posted anything?!

2. we’ve decided we never need to ever leave our back yard again. swim, swing, swim, eat, swim, play in the dirt, and so forth. that’s been our days lately. it’s been rough 😉

3. lyla has potty trained herself.

4. it’s the most amazing thing EVER, and I am soooooooooo proud of her. minus a few accidents during the night (she sneakily removes her diaper after we tuck her in) she has this whole potty thing figured out.

5. her little tooshie in big girl unders is the cutest thing I have ever seen.

6. having big siblings to copy is the most amazing thing ever, and I fully believe that’s why she was so determined to figure it out.

7. having big siblings to copy is the most annoying thing ever. this girl has more sass than any 26 month old on the face of the earth.

8. Lyla better like the pool this year. Last year she did not, and it was very inconvenient.

9. one of my best friends is due to have her baby boy while we’re out of town. i’m praying he comes a few days early, and i’m prepared to help induce labor anyway I can. spicy food? foot massage? a jump on the trampoline?

10. is it the year of baby boys or what? everyone I know is having baby boys and I want to steal each and every one of them.

11. brian’s sister is moving approximately 6 houses away. you have no idea how happy this makes me. seriously, what could be more amazing than having your sister/cousins right down the street?!!!

12. lyla said farewell to her binkies this month. and guess what, it wasn’t the end of the world. we should have done it a LONG time ago, but I imagined one giant week long tantrum. that girl surprised us again.

13. I don’t like to think about kindergarten being around the corner. so I wont.

14. Adalaide never wants her hair pulled back. “noooooooooo! I want long hair. see like this”, she wails. she pulls out every pony tail or clip, and it makes me want to pull my hair out.

15. Lyla only wants to wear pants. “I NO LIKE SHORTS!” she yells and throws the clothing on the floor. I refuse to put her in pants in this heat, so she went to target in a tank top and unders today.

16. our last trip to the grocery store was a nightmare (two different strangers tried to console me, it was that bad). today, I gave the girls a lolly pop while we shopped and I didn’t hear a peep. I did, however, find sticky red stuff all over our purchases, but this is a trade off i’m willing to make.

17. I just started instgram. are you on it? let’s be friends.

18. brian is going to be working on building our sheds/man patio this summer. what is a man patio you ask? well, it involves cushioned chairs, our fire pit, a tv (not happening) and a George Foreman grill that drops down from the shed wall on piano hinges. for cooking bacon, obviously. i can’t even type this without laughing.

19. the man patio is not to be confused with our “dining patio”, which brian recently finished. we debated between a couple different options, and finally decided on using pavers in a herringbone pattern. it is awesome.

20. finley just sprayed herself in the face with the hose. i better go take her a towel. after i’m done laughing.



4 thoughts on “twenty things

  1. I love posts like this! congrats to miss lyla on the potty training. as far as a sassy mouth, what can I say…..been there done that! ha ha ha. seriously, she has so much personality, sometimes she she almost seems to burst with it. you and brain have raised some lil beauties and such good girls, too. each one with an amazing and unique personality.I I love listening to ada pray and sing her praise songs. finley will love school (glad its only half day) however, lyla better love the pool or chelan is gonna be pretty rough!!

  2. love these updates :) and instagram is my new fav. i never got a facebook so insta is my transition into social media other than blogging. i want to see pictures of your patio! the pavers sound so cool. and the man patio is hilarious. bacon? awesome.

  3. Meghan….you make me laugh! Those girls are something else….and that Lyla ….what can we say about her potty training…. she gets the award for the fastest shift from diaper to under ware! I don’t know what instagram is- but it sounds scary :)

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