what i’m loving about adalaide


my sweet adalaide. she’s got brian and i wrapped around her little finger. one little sideways glance from her and we can’t help ourselves. we squeeze her, and tickle her, and kiss her, and gobble her, and squeeze her some more. her big eyes, and little pursed lip smile is impossible to resist.


every morning we sleep/snuggle while the other girls sleep in. i’ve never been able to sleep with kids in the bed, but adalaide is the exception. she lays perfectly still and doesn’t make a peep. she nestles her head as close as can be to mine, and covers us both up with her blankie. i wish i could bottle up these moments with her (her smell and how warm her little body is), because our snuggle time is definitely a highlight of my day.


she eats so well. she loves food, and isn’t picky at all. she loves savory, flavorful foods and eats almost everything that brian and i eat. while i battle to get the other girls to eat certain foods, it is such a pleasure to see adalaide down a bowl of salad, tabouli, or whatever else is rejected by the other two.


how excited she is about her 3-year-old birthday. starting a few months ago she asked to have an ariel birthday party. during christmastime we tried to ask her what she wanted for a gift, her answer was always ‘an ariel party!’ her birthday is quickly approaching and i can’t wait to throw her a fabulous ariel celebration!


her obsession with bibles. i kid you not, she sleeps with about 6 or 7 children’s bibles and devotionals in her bed. lately she’s been bringing lyla into her bed and ‘reading’ to her from the bible. they will sit in her bed for a good half hour flipping through the pages, and if i dare come in the room i get sent away. ‘mommy, GO! i reading my bible to lyla!’ it’s pretty cute, and i guess if she’s going to hoard something there’s much worse things….


though she’s starting to sass a little bit, and i see some toddler characteristics emerging, she’s still got the sweetest, softest spirit. we love our little lamby girl so much and CAN NOT believe she’s nearly 3.

3 thoughts on “what i’m loving about adalaide

  1. Each one of the girls are so special. You describe them with such accuracy and your pics capture them in such a beautiful way. May they each continue to grow in the nurture of the Lord and in the joy that your family brings daily to each one of them. They are precious beyond words. I love every memory and every picture you share with us. My heart just melts when I see them!!

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