
This weekend brian’s brother got married. It was such a joyful celebration, and something that his friends and family have been waiting a LONG time for. And let me tell you, his wife was well worth the wait. Their wedding happened to be our 5th anniversary too, so it was fun/special to be back where we got married. Finley and Adalaide were in the wedding with their cousins, and it’s a real bummer i don’t have any pictures because those kids were a-dorable! Their pastor did a great job with the ceremony. He spoke really genuinely about marriage and i left feeling really encouraged. do you get tired of hearing the same lovey dovey, not so realistic talks at weddings like i do? Anywho, we had the BEST night. Our girls seriously danced for hours. We’d arranged for my mom to bring them home and put them to bed, but they were having so much fun we kept them up until 11:00! At one point Finley was in the house playing and she heard one of her favorite songs start playing. She ran across the property to the dance floor, and kept asking them to start the song over. Ha! I took lots of pictures, but unfortunately hardly any of the bride and groom since i was mostly with the kiddos. Check out the album for more…

rehearsal. when i saw this picture i thought whoa. i’m a mom! funny how you sometimes can’t believe it.

does your 89-year-old grandma look this hot? and does she also get out on the dance floor? good genes in this family…

waiting for the wedding to start

the best we could get.

adalaide and her cousin jonny {12 days apart}

are you dying?


finley was laying down in the grass pouting because she didn’t want to share the veil. she looked so cute i had to snap a few photos. that sends a good message, right?

adalaide with the bride’s sister {who is the most stunning, poised child ever}

my s-i-l and a sleepy lyla

4 thoughts on “wedding

  1. what a beautiful post!! It was a wonderful day and a beautiful wedding! the girls look like little angels! the pic with johnny and adalaids dress is a money maker for sure, what a pip!!

  2. The kids were our pride and joy! What a rich family God has given us! To God be the glory for this beautiful wedding and the greatness of His love for us!

  3. The picture of you and your girls is so sweet! You are so beautiful. And really, I have to remind myself not to get jealous, because then I would have to stop reading blogs, but you always sound so calm and together. With three little ones. You’re amazing :)

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