second trimester

after being pretty sick during my 1st trimester, i was so grateful to have an uneventful couple months. i felt good, slept well, and enjoyed feeling baby girl move MUCH sooner {14 or 15 weeks}  than my other pregnancies. we decided on her name, and also agreed to keep it a secret.

let me just preface this by saying…i really don’t like to complain about pregnancy woes. it sort of feels like complaining that i have to park my nice big car in the far end of the parking lot. it doesn’t feel right to complain about things that i am extremely grateful for. i love, love, LOVE being pregnant. have i mentioned that even as a young girl, i was petrified i wouldn’t be able to have kids? weird, i know. my point is, i definitely don’t take it for granted, and i really truly love it.

But, i’d be lying if i didn’t admit that the last few weeks have been hard. all the sudden i feel like i am way more pregnant than i actually am. I’m experiencing all that lovely crotch/back pain that usually comes along at the very end of a pregnancy. i’m no professional, but i’m pretty certain this baby is as low as can possibly be without actually falling out. i keep telling myself that this is probably my last pregnancy. enjoy it. don’t dwell on how uncomfortable you are. this is a gift. so, at this exact moment i find myself in some weird place where i am loving and appreciating this highly uncomfortable time.

let me leave you with this gem.

the other day some woman at costco made a silly remark about my size. i shared the story with my mom, and this was her response:

“meghan, you’re NOT big. this is what it’s like. it’s like an old bra. it’s all stretched out and the elastic is long gone. it’s still the same size bra. it’s just… floppy. your body just never had a chance to recover so it just popped right out”.

thank you mother, for comparing my abs to an old, floppy bra. very true, but also hilarious to hear.

8 thoughts on “second trimester

  1. Ok, seriously. NOBODY should be commenting on your size. You look fantastic. I would have killed to be that small at 7 months! Glad to hear you’re enjoying it, though, in spite of the discomfort.

  2. my first thought looking at that picture was how skinny and tiny you look. you seriously look amazing!

    i have always loved and appreciated your attitude towards pregnancy. it IS really hard on our bodies, so there IS lots of justification for feeling uncomfortable (and talking/complaining about it), but i think its a good perspective to try to just enjoy it and to be thankful. you’re amazing!

  3. You are so gracious with your attitude. I absolutely complained. Even after everything it took for me to become pregnant. Some parts of it just aren’t fun and are very uncomfortable. Hopefully the aches will pass!

  4. Well all I can say is my comments have been taken out of context!! You are such a stinker, oh well, you know what I meant. You have the best perspective about being pregnant and always look beautiful. You are an AMAZING wife and mother, and daughter, too!!

  5. You look great! The third time around is going to be really hard on your body. That’s just the way it is! Wait ’til your fourth!!!!

  6. Oh mimi you sure have a way with words:) I can just picture how tis come out and I am trying not to have an accident!
    Meghan you are beautiful as always!

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