the girls

Adalaide turns four months old today. In some ways it feels like time has flown by, and in some ways I can’t remember what life was like without her. She is extremely laid back, happy to just sit back and take in all the craziness around her. Shortly after she turned 2 months old she started sleeping through the night, and getting into a nice daytime routine with longer awake times and longer naps.
She loves to snuggle, and buries her head in your neck or armpit whenever she can. She smiles all the time, and gets so excited when someone stops to engage her. She is showing zero interest in rolling over, and isn’t too keen on sitting her bumbo for more than a few minutes. She is laughing, cooing, and making all sorts of adorable sounds. She loves bath time. She’s not a huge eater. She likes to be swaddled, and swaddled tight.
I recently did the math and figured out that finley has passed the 2 1/2 year mark. crazy! that girl is a dynamic little thing. sometimes shy and cautious, but mostly outgoing and silly. she loves to be the center of attention. she loves making us laugh. and she really, truly is hilarious. she has a memory that is unbelievable, especially for places. she has started a reading program and is picking it up pretty quickly.
she loves to play outside. loves playing with older kids. loves to be a helper in the kitchen. loves to dance and listen to music-currently obsessed with taylor swift #6. She loves to do art {recently drew her first recognizable face} and to play with playdough.
we’re working on sharing, having her listen and obey us {the first time}, getting her to pick up her stuff when she’s done, and to use a kind voice {my greatest annoyance is her naughty yell}.
She is all about routine, especially at bedtime. When we tuck her in we have to say the same things every night: happy valentines day, happy easter, no more crying, dream happy thoughts, no dogs, and no gorillas. If you forget one part she will remind you. Don’t ask me why these things stuck with her, but for some reason they have, and brian and i laugh about it every single night.
she loves her baby sister, and has had very little jealousy issues. i think once adalaide is a little older and starts to steal the attention spotlight it might be another story though.
I can’t believe how fast time is flying by. Since I’m terrible at doing baby books, i want to at least document
these memories here.

6 thoughts on “the girls

  1. adalaide looks like a doll in the first four month old picture. she looks so perfect she looks almost fake. that sounds weird, but i mean it in the best way possible. she's adorable! and i was dying laughing at finley's list of things you guys have to say at night.

  2. i openly admit that i try to copy most to all of what you do. but i didn't realize that i titled my latest post "the girls" a day after yours until i saw both of our blogs listed on maxwell's blog. i guess i'm copying you subconsciously now too! oopsies!

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