first family vacation

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. we just got back from 9 glorious days in lake chelan. for those of you who know how much brian works, it was a REAL treat to spend so much time with him. and without our weekly committments and responsibilities we didn’t have anything to do but relax and enjoy our family. we had so much fun celebrating the fourth with lindsey, jeremy and logan, playing in the pool and reenacting lifts from our favorite dance routines from SYTYCD, reading senseless chick lit novels (yes, even brian), snacking all day every day, playing games, and acting silly with our favorite kids Hunter and Hailey. perhaps the most exciting news of the trip was that finley is in fact capable of taking naps outside. always an avid sun tanner, i was nervous that having a baby meant that i would have to trek home for naps…but PTL, despite the noise, heat, and light she took marathon naps down at the beach in her little carseat under the umbrella. hooray! she was such a happy baby all week-a tooth even came in and we didn’t even know it! All in all, our first family vacation was full of so many wonderful and hilarious memories! Check out the album for more pictures..

2 thoughts on “first family vacation

  1. It vacation was fun! It was a perfect beginning to your family’s vacation memories and traditions. Finley was the best,I am so glad we all got to be together.

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