palm springs vacation

we recently got back from spending 8 wonderful days in palm springs. it was the BEST time, and many, many special memories were made. The weather was perfect {90’s and 100’s} so we spent every waking minute at the pool. We packed our video monitors with us, so we were able to take the big girls to the pool during lyla’s morning nap, and brian and i were able to have quiet time there during afternoon naps. There was a really fun park that kept us entertained in the evenings, and after the girls went down at night Brian and I watched movies, thank you very much redbox.

Of course I took a ridiculous number of photos-which i blame entirely on how cute my little ones looked in their rompers and summer wear. but, some things i didn’t take pictures of that i want to remember: morning walks, french toast breakfast everyday, the sweet sight of finley and adalaide sharing a bed, iced coffee by the pool, and dinner and milkshakes at Ruby’s.

My photos aren’t that great. I still don’t know how to take a picture in bright, glaring sun. But regardless, I love every single picture-for the memory it represents. Check out the photo album for many, MANY more.


and in true paparazzi style, here is our video. make sure you click on the settings icon so you can watch it in HD :)

or watch it here


on repeat

we’ve been blasting this song, dancing and singing at the top of our lungs. even lyla claps along.


and i also love this video we watched on Easter at church.


life lately

we just got over a really, really nasty stomach flu that took out all the ladies in this family for a week. it was not fun to say the least, but the homebody in me enjoyed our lazy days at home.

in one of our finer moments we got our vegetable garden started.

lyla found her way into the laundry, and for once it wasn’t the folded things.

is it cute if i do it too, mom?  why yes, it is.

one day i called out for adalaide to see where she was. “my bible!” she yelled back. i thought this was just about the sweetest sight.

sprouts after only 3 days! i can’t tell you how excited we all get watching our plants grow.

this girl is really proud of herself. BECAUSE…she is walking. like, for real walking. she started taking steps a few weeks ago {just before 11 months} and now she’s walking pretty far lengths. video definitely coming soon!

and i’ll end with this cute little wedgie patootie.

family photos

a few months ago we had our friend kelsey take our photos. i can’t tell you how much i love them, and how special it is to have so many fun pictures of the people i love most in this world. as you will see, i’m having trouble narrowing down which ones are my favorites to frame!




25 things i’m thankful for

i’ve seen some people share on facebook or blogs one thing they’re grateful for each day leading up to thanksgiving. i’m not that organized, so i thought i’d just share mine in one list. i’m not going to include the things i’m thankful for that are a given: God, my family, friends, and good health.

i am thankful…

1. that lyla is such a happy, easy baby

2. that brian has steady work {and that he works so hard for us}

3. for my crock pot

4. for our fireplace {for the heat, and the coziness}

5. for costco gas

6. for my moms group bible study

7. to be living near family

8. for coffee

9. for our family photos-so many i want to frame!

10. for children that sleep well, and a 4 year old that still naps

11. that our fridge is always full

12. that brian and i have been able to go on more dates this year than ever before. yay for grandmas nearby!

13. for dvr.

14. for yoga pants

15. that our target has a grocery store and starbucks in it.

16. for friends who understand how much i hate talking on the phone, and love me anyway.

17. for our extra freezer-which means we can get whatever we want from costco, and i can also go crazy making baby food!

18. for days that we get to stay home, with nothing planned but hanging out in our p.j.s.

19. for God’s work in our marriage this year

20. for hand-me-downs. best part of having a third girl is that she doesn’t need a single thing!

21. for pinterest and the hours of fun brian and i have had ‘pinning’ ideas for when we build.

22. that lyla will take a bottle

23. for binkies, exersaucers, baby carriers and the like that make parenting so much easier.

24. for family traditions {the ones we grew up with, and the ones we’re starting for our own little family}

and lastly,

25. for the God-given energy that has gotten me through some VERY sleep deprived times lately.

that, plus the coffee helps too.

pumpkin patch trip no. 1


we didn’t actually get any pumpkins because we were swarmed by bees, and finley was one of the 4 (!!) who got stung. it was impossible to rally her around, so it looks like we’ll be heading back. which is just fine by me because i LOVE the pumpkin patch!